PimpMyCloset London at Shop My Closet by BB <3


Sunt extrem de entuziasmata sa va prezint evenimentul la care am lucrat pana in prezent, un eveniment pe care l-am avut in minte de mai bine de doi ani. The time has come! Cu ocazia plecarii mele in Londra, am gasit momentul oportun de a va prezenta o parte din garderoba mea, de care bineinteles imi este foarte greu sa ma despart. Evident, nu am cum sa le iau pe toate cu mine chiar daca as face-o.

Cu ajutorul partenerilor mei speciali a.k.a Aethernativ, Prospero Delicii, Peonies & Hydrangeas, Henna Journey si PimpMyCloset London am reusit sa pun cap la cap ziua cea mare. Le multumesc din suflet pentru sprijinul siincrederea acordata! ♥ Dupa cum stiti, detaliile fac diferenta!

Evenimentul se va desfasura astfel: voi veniti cu voie buna si noi va facem ziua mai frumoasa. Va asteptam cu un Candy Bar, Prosseco, tatuaje cu henna( Laura has magic hands), haine refacute de PimpMyCloset London, bujori si bineinteles garderoba mea care asteapta sa isi gaseasca stapane noi! (accesorii,pantofi,palarii,rochite,pantaloni,fuste & everything you’ve ever dreamed of!)

Mi-ar placea sa va cunosc, sa povestim, sa facem poze si sa ne simtim bine. Am sa incep sa postez cateva dintre produsele pe care le voi avea cu mine. Daca cineva doreste sa rezerve produsul o poate face. Primul venit, primul servit! Tin sa precizez ca produsele pe care le voi posta vor fi o mica parte din cele pe care le voi avea cu mine so come come come! 🙂

Am avut oportunitatea de a colabora cu Pimp My Closet London si sa descopar pe pielea mea frumusetea unei piese vestimentare reinventate. PMCldn este un online business nou, bazat in Londra, ce are ca scop principal infrumusetarea hainutelor uitate in dulap pentru ca erau prea ‘simple’ sau ‘banale’. Nu numai ca propun o metoda inovatoare de a ne pune in valoare hainele pe care deja le detinem, dar ofera si o metoda prietenoasa atat pentru mediul inconjurator, cat si pentru contul bancar. Motto-ul lor spune “Iti transformam haine simple in magie”, iar asta este exact ceea ce fac Pimp My Closet London.

Poate cea mai frumoasa parte a acestui eveniment este faptul ca am parteneri frumosi si talentati. Diandra Sovailescu, creatoare a conceptului PimpMyCloset London este una dintre ei. Am rugat-o sa imi modifice o pereche de pantaloni, o bluza si un sacou. Priviti mai jos rezultatele.. <3 sunt minunate! Produsele le gasiti Sambata, 2 Septembrie la Aethernativ de la ora 14:00.

Va asteptam,





2nd of August. You’re here. The day I was born, the day I’ll constantly be reminded that life passes so fast, maybe too fast.. but right now, I’m 20. How old are you?

20 years of Joy, Happiness and Gratefulness just passed, right in front of my eyes. Should I cry or should I laugh? I don’t know. What I know is that I always loved life and it loved me right back. That’s how it works, at least for me. I am so young and so sensitive. Where will my life be in 10 years? 20? Or even 30?! I don’t know; but that’s the magic of it. (B you’re probably laughing cause you know what happened, obviously you’re old now)

Is it normal to feel that I have so little time and so many things to do? This is how I feel right now. You’re probably the only one that can answer these questions for me. I don’t feel pressured by surroundings but by me, my inner self. The pressure of being the best version of me, the best person I could ever be.


Where you at, girl? Hollywood I hope.

I have this feelings ever since I was born and nothing will ever change it. I am writing you with my blood boiling only by thinking about it. I wanna be there, I wanna make it. I know I will. BE BRAVE. That’s what my name says, BB. Trusting my lioness instinct will get me there, as it always did. Right. No question mark here.

One life, only one life in which I can do whatever I want to. So I’ll be and I’ll do what I want but first, I’ll be kind. That’s what mom taught me. Kindness, love & and the essence of every single moment. But you already know that.

Help people, listen to them, get to know their stories, their goals… This will make me achieve one of mine. Didn’t it?


Is this still my motto? Probably cause I can’t think of a better one. Oh wait, I can. BE AUTHENTIC. I can’t think of a life that’s not authentic or at least I can’t think of mine like that. I hope you’re happy, just like today. I am now happy, my family and friends love me, I am still very young and very restless. Do you need any other reasons? Me neither. Don’t ever change, and most importantly.. DON’T FORGET TO BE AWESOME.


I love you so much, B


P.S Enjoy today just like at your 20th anniversary. <3




Zara suit

Tria Alfa brooch

Musette shoes

Pull&Bear top



(make up by me)